Will Trump’s Halt To US-South Korean Exercises Work? Remember The Vietnam Bombing Halt

Will Trump’s Halt To US-South Korean Exercises Work? Remember The Vietnam Bombing Halt
Will Trump’s Halt To US-South Korean Exercises Work? Remember The Vietnam Bombing Halt

President Trump announced that the United States would stop flying bombers over South Korea and suspend exercises there to facilitate diplomatic negotiations with North Korea. This echoes President Johnson’s March 1968 decision to halt the bombing of most of North Vietnam, also done to encourage negotiations. In 1968 the effort succeeded, at least in the short…

Trump Supporter Sen. Perdue ‘Very Troubled’ By Pledge To End Korea Exercises

Trump Supporter Sen. Perdue ‘Very Troubled’ By Pledge To End Korea Exercises
Trump Supporter Sen. Perdue ‘Very Troubled’ By Pledge To End Korea Exercises

“I’ve never agreed with 100% of what this president says off the cuff like that,” Perdue said. The pledge to end exercises — deemed critical to allied military readiness — was not mentioned in the official joint statement, he noted, and therefore isn’t a binding commitment, only an expression of presidential intent predicated on continued cooperation from Pyongyang.

US, Israel Begin Joint Anti-Missile Operations In Juniper Cobra

US, Israel Begin Joint Anti-Missile Operations In Juniper Cobra
US, Israel Begin Joint Anti-Missile Operations In Juniper Cobra

Israel has long been threatened by Hezbollah’s short-ranged missiles, but now Iran is stepping up the threat, both from its own long-range ballistic missiles and from its proxies in Syria. In response, Israel is pressing to build a multi-layered missile defense with its Arrow 2 and Arrow 3, Iron Dome and David’s Sling anti-missile systems.…

US Must Overcome ‘Hubris’ And Prepare For Surprise: Experts

US Must Overcome ‘Hubris’ And Prepare For Surprise: Experts
US Must Overcome ‘Hubris’ And Prepare For Surprise: Experts

“The United States has been fighting weak and isolated regional adversaries for the last 25 years, and a result we have a very inflated view of how good we are,” warned the study’s lead author, Mark Cancian of CSIS.

Drones, Ro-Boats, & F-35 On Wheels: Marines Seek Tech For Major War

Drones, Ro-Boats, & F-35 On Wheels: Marines Seek Tech For Major War
Drones, Ro-Boats, & F-35 On Wheels: Marines Seek Tech For Major War

SAN DIEGO: Before the first human Marine hits the beach in the next war, long-range MUX drones will launch from ships to scout for threats. Next comes a wave of robotic small craft, Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) converted to carry sensors, jammers, missile launchers, even racks of mini-drones they can dump into the water to…

Gen. Holmes Sketches Multi-Domain Warfare; A-10 Wings Funded in ’19

Gen. Holmes Sketches Multi-Domain Warfare; A-10 Wings Funded in ’19
Gen. Holmes Sketches Multi-Domain Warfare; A-10 Wings Funded in ’19

WASHINGTON: The Air Force and Army couldn’t start an important set of tabletop wargames last week because of the government shutdown. Air Force Gen. Mike Holmes revealed the information when he disclosed today that the Air Force was starting multi-domain war games to hammer out how the land and air services would work together in…

Top Gun For Warships: SWATT

Top Gun For Warships: SWATT
Top Gun For Warships: SWATT

SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION: As the overstressed surface fleet struggles to rebuild its readiness for great power war, it’s adding a whole new type of training exercise called SWATT. Modeled on the Top Gun program for naval aviators — itself created to rebuild dogfighting skills after heavy losses in Vietnam — Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training…

Inside The Wargame: The Challenges Facing Air Force’s MDC2

Inside The Wargame: The Challenges Facing Air Force’s MDC2
Inside The Wargame: The Challenges Facing Air Force’s MDC2

SUFFOLK, VA: Inside one of six large rooms in Lockheed Martin’s Lighthouse complex here, flanked by a phalanx of huge TV and other screens, an earnest conversation between a cyber warrior and a “commander” plays out. We’re in the middle of a three-day wargame, one of a series of exercises to help develop the early stages…

When The Football Comes Out, Who Watches The President?

When The Football Comes Out, Who Watches The President?
When The Football Comes Out, Who Watches The President?

  Corrected: The article referred to the E-4B command aircraft, but Brig. Gen. Bowen was referring to the E-6B. WASHINGTON: The men and women of US Strategic Command watched a clock count down. When it did, they knew their base would be “a smoking hole in the ground.” It was a simulation, sure, but “it’s deadly serious,”…

‘Rolling The Marble:’ BG Saltzman On Air Force’s Multi-Domain C2 System

‘Rolling The Marble:’ BG Saltzman On Air Force’s Multi-Domain C2 System
‘Rolling The Marble:’ BG Saltzman On Air Force’s Multi-Domain C2 System

PENTAGON: In his first interview, the man overseeing the Air Force’s attempt to build the first truly global command and control system says it will demand major changes to the US military. Multi-Domain Command & Control will demand changes to how America commands its troops around the world, to acquisition, to Air Force culture and…

From Concept To Combat: Making Multi-Domain Battle Real

From Concept To Combat: Making Multi-Domain Battle Real
From Concept To Combat: Making Multi-Domain Battle Real

WASHINGTON: The concept called Multi-Domain Battle – a single seamless offensive across land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace – may seem futuristic, but the Army wants to start implementing at least parts of it right now. In wargames, doctrine, and interservice dialogue, “it’s actually becoming reality,” said Gen. David Perkins. As one of the fathers…

$49M For Multi-Domain Wargames Tops PACOM Wishlist

$49M For Multi-Domain Wargames Tops PACOM Wishlist
$49M For Multi-Domain Wargames Tops PACOM Wishlist

WASHINGTON: “To counter our near-peer adversaries” — read Russia and China — US Pacific Command wants $530 million of unfunded priorities that didn’t fit in the 2018 budget request, from better bases to more torpedoes. The top item: $49 million more for “multi-domain battle exercises,” wargames testing a new Army-led concept for future warfare against…

US Must Boost War Games, Data Sharing With Allies: DIA

US Must Boost War Games, Data Sharing With Allies: DIA
US Must Boost War Games, Data Sharing With Allies: DIA

GEOINT: In a stark speech clearly intended to get people off their complacent butts, the Marine general who leads the Defense Intelligence Agency told an approving audience here that the Intelligence Community risks becoming as irrelevant as the Kodak film company became with the advent of digital photography. “Let me ask you one final question.…

Army Chief’s Thinktank Studies Major War

Army Chief’s Thinktank Studies Major War
Army Chief’s Thinktank Studies Major War

ARMY WAR COLLEGE: If you want to know what the Army Chief of Staff is thinking, don’t just ask around the Pentagon. Drive a couple hours north through rural Pennsylvania — passing the Gettysburg battlefield on the way — to the Army War College here in quiet Carlisle. An institution whose influence has waxed and…