War Without Fear: DepSecDef Work On How AI Changes Conflict

War Without Fear: DepSecDef Work On How AI Changes Conflict
War Without Fear: DepSecDef Work On How AI Changes Conflict

APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY: “Brothers and sisters, my name is Bob Work, and I have sinned,” the Deputy Secretary of Defense said to laughter. There’s widespread agreement in the military that artificial intelligence, robotics, and human-machine teaming will change the way that war is waged, Work told an AI conference here Thursday, “but I am starting…

The War Algorithm: The Pentagon’s Bet On The Future Of War

The War Algorithm: The Pentagon’s Bet On The Future Of War
The War Algorithm: The Pentagon’s Bet On The Future Of War

Thinking about robots and war often brings to mind HAL, the apparently well-meaning but ultimately destructive computer in 2001, or the metallic creatures of death in the Terminator series. Today, however, the Pentagon wants to push the concept in a different direction. With advanced adversaries like Russia and China copying the smart weapons, stealth fighters, and…