Navy Seeks Rail Guns, Lasers, Cruise Missiles To Improve Pacific Firepower

Navy Seeks Rail Guns, Lasers, Cruise Missiles To Improve Pacific Firepower
Navy Seeks Rail Guns, Lasers, Cruise Missiles To Improve Pacific Firepower

CRYSTAL CITY: “I’ve never wanted to enter any tactical scenario where all I had is a defensive capability. It’s a losing proposition,” said the chief of Pacific Command, Adm. Samuel Locklear. “You will defend yourself until you’re dead.” That was the PACOM commander’s blunt and public response when I asked him about the chronic imbalance between…

Marines 2014: Year Of Decision For Amphibious Combat Vehicle

Marines 2014: Year Of Decision For Amphibious Combat Vehicle
Marines 2014: Year Of Decision For Amphibious Combat Vehicle

Marine Commandant James Amos must make a tough call this year on a program that will define the future Marine Corps: whether to develop and buy the Amphibious Combat Vehicle. “The Commandant considers a replacement craft for his aging AAV7 Amphibious Tractor to be his number-one priority,” said Gen. Amos’s spokesman, Lt. Col. David Nevers,…

Concurrency’s Costs: An F-35 Example

Concurrency’s Costs: An F-35 Example
Concurrency’s Costs: An F-35 Example

WASHINGTON: Everyone now knows Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon placed far too much faith in the benefits of concurrency — that is, building production model aircraft while finishing ground and flight testing. But we’ve had relatively few data points to illustrate the issue. Thanks to a Request for Proposals issued Dec. 16, however, we now know…

BAE, GD: We Can Cut Weight From Army’s GCV

BAE, GD: We Can Cut Weight From Army’s GCV
BAE, GD: We Can Cut Weight From Army’s GCV

As storm clouds loom over the Army’s controversial Ground Combat Vehicle, both contractors competing for GCV say they’re focused on completing the program of record still on the books. But if the Army slows the program down — a near-certainty at this point — both BAE Systems and General Dynamics told me they are ready to adapt. In…

How DoD Can Save America’s High-Tech Edge

How DoD Can Save America’s High-Tech Edge
How DoD Can Save America’s High-Tech Edge

The American military-industrial complex used to lead the world in high technology. Now it struggles to keep up with private-sector breakthroughs in computing and other commercial technologies, from iPhones to 3D printing, that any adversary can buy to use against us. Even in military-unique technologies like precision-guided missiles and electronic warfare, experts in and out of…

Raytheon Non-Lethal Heat Beam Tackles New Missions

Raytheon Non-Lethal Heat Beam Tackles New Missions
Raytheon Non-Lethal Heat Beam Tackles New Missions

WASHINGTON: The Marine Corps has long championed what are called non-lethal systems, designed to stop mobs from killing Americans without us having to kill them. After all, Marines are responsible for defending American embassies and consulates around the world, which are all too often threatened by rampaging crowds angry with whatever the latest American perfidy…

Ciao, Sergeant York! Pass The Focaccia! Prego.

Ciao, Sergeant York! Pass The Focaccia! Prego.
Ciao, Sergeant York! Pass The Focaccia! Prego.

WASHINGTON: The military should soon deploy a new weapon in its efforts to keep troops fit and fed: foccaccia. That’s right, those tough folks who can live on snakes and water may soon get their hands on a Meal Ready To Eat filled with a pretty tasty Italian delicacy covered in Italian herbs and a…

SOCOM Wants YOU To Help Build High-Tech ‘Iron Man’ Armor

SOCOM Wants YOU To Help Build High-Tech ‘Iron Man’ Armor
SOCOM Wants YOU To Help Build High-Tech ‘Iron Man’ Armor

US special operators are notoriously low-profile “silent professionals.” But lately the Internet’s been abuzz over Special Operations Command’s effort to build a high-tech suit of bulletproof armor – TALOS, the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit – that the normally understated chief of SOCOM, Adm. William McRaven, actually compared to the metal-clad superhero Iron Man. Make…

Open Source, 3D Printing Key To Staying Ahead Of Enemy Tech

Open Source, 3D Printing Key To Staying Ahead Of Enemy Tech
Open Source, 3D Printing Key To Staying Ahead Of Enemy Tech

WASHINGTON: Hey, defense contractors! Open source software is not your enemy. In fact, far from undercutting your profits, it may increase them – and increase the US military’s capabilities at the same time. That’s a central concept in the Center for a New American Security’s recently established Technology and Security program, which aims to shake…

Robot Shoots ‘Em Up: Army Assesses Northrop’s MADSS

Robot Shoots ‘Em Up: Army Assesses Northrop’s MADSS
Robot Shoots ‘Em Up: Army Assesses Northrop’s MADSS

Here’s the latest exciting — and unnerving — unmanned system to catch our eye: a 1.5-ton robot that shoots the ever-living crap out of things. Oh, and the manufacturer, Northrop Grumman, most famous for building the B-2 stealth bomber, decided to call it MADSS, as in angry or insane. Perhaps they could’ve been a little…

Wargame Predicts Army Loses High Tech Edge

Wargame Predicts Army Loses High Tech Edge
Wargame Predicts Army Loses High Tech Edge

ARMY WAR COLLEGE: A massive wargame held here this week to explore the “Deep Future” of warfare in the 2030s demonstrated a stark truth — one that Clausewitz enumerated in his famous work, On War — there’s no substitute for sheer numbers, no matter how much high technology the Army buys. That’s an unsettling answer at a…

B-1B Exterminates Small Moving Boat; Tests Larger Anti-Ship Missile

B-1B Exterminates Small Moving Boat; Tests Larger Anti-Ship Missile
B-1B Exterminates Small Moving Boat; Tests Larger Anti-Ship Missile

It’s difficult enough for one ship to find and sink another ship. It may not be quite as hard for planes flying from an aircraft carrier to find enemy ships and sink them, but it’s not easy. The hardest task for a plane — especially a land-based plane — may be to find a small…

Adm. Winter: X-47 Aborted Bush Carrier Landing Not A Problem

Adm. Winter: X-47 Aborted Bush Carrier Landing Not A Problem
Adm. Winter: X-47 Aborted Bush Carrier Landing Not A Problem

AUVSI: The Navy’s experimental carrier stealth drone, the X-47B, would have made a third landing on the USS George H.W. Bush last month but for the fact the plane knew it was doing a test and decided to waive itself off, Adm. Mathias Winter said here this morning. Think about that. This is a plane…

Stick With The Tomahawk, Forget LRASM

Stick With The Tomahawk, Forget LRASM
Stick With The Tomahawk, Forget LRASM

By Steve Russell Here at BreakingDefense, we get a lot of op-ed submissions arguing for more spending on new weapons. Today, we present an argument on why new technology can sometimes be a trap. The author, Steve Russell, is a retired Army lieutenant colonel, and — though he’s too modest to mention this — a…