Roper Pushes Moving Project Maven To Air Force

Roper Pushes Moving Project Maven To Air Force
Roper Pushes Moving Project Maven To Air Force

Roper expects GBSD, B-21 and F-35 to migrate parts of their development to cloudONE as he pushes the Air Force to embrace advanced software practices.

DoD Adopts AI Ethics Principles — But How Will They Be Enforced?

DoD Adopts AI Ethics Principles — But How Will They Be Enforced?
DoD Adopts AI Ethics Principles — But How Will They Be Enforced?

Writing regulations will take months. Convincing industry and academia to trust the military to handle AI ethically could take years.

EXCLUSIVE Pentagon’s AI Problem Is ‘Dirty’ Data: Lt. Gen. Shanahan

EXCLUSIVE Pentagon’s AI Problem Is ‘Dirty’ Data: Lt. Gen. Shanahan
EXCLUSIVE Pentagon’s AI Problem Is ‘Dirty’ Data: Lt. Gen. Shanahan

The military has all the data it needs to train machine learning algorithms for war – somewhere. Now the Joint AI Center has to find it all and clean it up. The goal: AI Ready data.

Joint AI Chief: Start With 50% Solutions ASAP

Joint AI Chief: Start With 50% Solutions ASAP
Joint AI Chief: Start With 50% Solutions ASAP

The military will use Silicon Valley’s approach to quickly field imperfect products, then rapidly improve them based on user feedback.

Air Combat Commander Doesn’t Trust Project Maven’s Artificial Intelligence — Yet

Air Combat Commander Doesn’t Trust Project Maven’s Artificial Intelligence — Yet
Air Combat Commander Doesn’t Trust Project Maven’s Artificial Intelligence — Yet

Before the Air Force will trust AI to pick out targets, Gen. Holmes said, it has to get smarter than a human three-year-old.

DUSDI Bingen: DCGS, TPEDS Slow Intelligence Sharing

DUSDI Bingen: DCGS, TPEDS Slow Intelligence Sharing
DUSDI Bingen: DCGS, TPEDS Slow Intelligence Sharing

USDI Kari Bingen says that DoD’s mission “is hampered when we have to pay in time and money analysts and experts to manually translate data files … to makes systems and data interoperable because of proprietary data standards and formats.”

Fix It Before It Breaks: SOCOM, JAIC Pioneer Predictive Maintenance AI

Fix It Before It Breaks: SOCOM, JAIC Pioneer Predictive Maintenance AI
Fix It Before It Breaks: SOCOM, JAIC Pioneer Predictive Maintenance AI

“He said you’ve got tremendous people, you prototype pretty effectively, and you’re absolutely terrible — he had some more colorful words than that — for machine learning,” Gen. Thomas said. “It gave me a spark … and turned me into a zealot.”

Air Force Busts Out Credit Cards To Buy High Tech Gear

Air Force Busts Out Credit Cards To Buy High Tech Gear
Air Force Busts Out Credit Cards To Buy High Tech Gear

The Air Force can be an “angel investor” for some startups, said Will Roper, the service’s top acquisition official.

Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO

Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO
Joint Artificial Intelligence Center Created Under DoD CIO

“The major challenge for the US is China,” CNA analyst Larry Lewis said. “They are approaching the use of AI just like the US approached going to the moon in the sixties.”

AI for Good in War; Beyond Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil:’

      In recent weeks, two events demonstrated the promise of and concern over the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI). At the #AI4Good Summit in Geneva, attendees reviewed the many ways AI can help humanity in medicine, education, economic and law enforcement applications, to name a few. Meanwhile, Google withdrew from a Pentagon project called…

Google Helps Chinese Military, Why Not US? Bob Work

Google Helps Chinese Military, Why Not US? Bob Work
Google Helps Chinese Military, Why Not US? Bob Work

Despite its ethical objections to helping the Pentagon, Google indirectly and inadvertently assists the Chinese military, which has tentacles into the tech giant’s ventures in China, former deputy secretary of defense Robert Work said.

Pratt & Whitney Enters Incubator Biz To Slash Development Time in Half

Pratt & Whitney Enters Incubator Biz To Slash Development Time in Half
Pratt & Whitney Enters Incubator Biz To Slash Development Time in Half

As the Pentagon and the defense industry rush to keep up with the shift to great power competition and the fight for tech workers rushing for Silicon Valley, the idea of technology incubators is catching fire.

Pentagon’s Big AI Program, Maven, Already Hunts Data in Middle East, Africa

Pentagon’s Big AI Program, Maven, Already Hunts Data in Middle East, Africa
Pentagon’s Big AI Program, Maven, Already Hunts Data in Middle East, Africa

Project Maven has made huge strides in its first year, but the key is remaining open to updates from whoever has the best idea for new algorithms, and new code, a military leader says.

Pentagon, Intel Agencies Set Up New AI Joint Office

Pentagon, Intel Agencies Set Up New AI Joint Office
Pentagon, Intel Agencies Set Up New AI Joint Office

The Pentagon is moving out quickly to get in front of Chinese advances in artificial intelligence, and is rushing a plan up to Capitol Hill to work with the intel community more closely.