Mattis Puts Readiness First, Modernization Later In Budget

Mattis Puts Readiness First, Modernization Later In Budget
Mattis Puts Readiness First, Modernization Later In Budget

WASHINGTON: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has laid out a measured and cautious spending plan that puts near-term readiness needs first in his first budget guidance memo. The memo, out this morning, largely defers major equipment modernization until 2019 and limits increases in the size of the force to “the maximum responsible rate” (emphasis ours). So,…

McCain Says Trump OMB Pick Pits ‘Debt Against Military’

McCain Says Trump OMB Pick Pits ‘Debt Against Military’
McCain Says Trump OMB Pick Pits ‘Debt Against Military’

WASHINGTON: It’s an intriguing scenario. Senate Democrats join with GOP defense lawmakers to derail the nomination of Rep. Mick Mulvaney to be the powerful director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. It felt possible today as Sen. John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, pressed Mulvaney on whether he would…

White House Threatens Veto For Senate NDAA; McCain $18B Add Vote Soon

White House Threatens Veto For Senate NDAA; McCain $18B Add Vote Soon
White House Threatens Veto For Senate NDAA; McCain $18B Add Vote Soon

WASHINGTON: Worried by Sen. John McCain’s efforts to slash the general officer corps, abolish Frank Kendall’s job and restrict the size of the National Security Council, the White House today threatened to veto the Senate defense policy bill. Accusing the Senate Armed Services Committee of trying “to micromanage DOD” by taking those and other measures, the…

Cyber Chief Issues Call For Action — Not More Talk; Alexander Outlines Who Does What

WASHINGTON: The nation’s top military cyber commander offered his version of how government and military agencies are likely to work together when America suffers cyber attacks, and warned that industry needs to take a greater role. “We have laid out lanes of the road,” Gen. Keith Alexander, commander of Cyber Command and director of the…

It’s Not Just Defense Cuts: Sequester Would Cripple Our Economy

If the election results are pretty clear next week, expect to hear two things: the sounds of snoring from an exhausted Washington political class and the first tentative mentions of the shape of a solution to the dire fiscal cliff our country may fall off of in January. Given the enormity of the repercussions facing…

Navy, Air Force To Win Budget Wars Over Army

As troops pull out of Afghanistan and Congress looks for fat to trim from the federal budget, future Pentagon spending will dip and then flatline, with money going to the Air Force and Navy while ground forces see reductions in troops and equipment, a new report predicts. It’s not the kind of news that the…

Sequester Stalemate Deepens With OMB Report’s Release

WASHINGTON: The stalemate over sequestration just got deeper today with horribly predictable political posturing over the tardy release of the Office of Management and Budget’s congressionally-mandated report on how the drastic automatic cuts would be implemented. The 394-page report set the stage for the mutual denunciations in its preamble, declaring House Republican proposals to avert…

DepSecDef Carter Warns Of Training Shortfalls If Sequester Happens; HASC Hearing Marked By Shouting, Silliness

CAPITOL HILL: Congress and the Obama administration should thank their lucky stars that hardly anyone watched this morning’s House Armed Services Committee hearing about sequestration. Everyone in the political arena will try to paint this one as the other’s fault. The GOP will blame the Democrats. The White House will blame the GOP. The GOP…

OMB Pushes More Tubes, Fewer Boats for Ohio Replacement Subs

Washington: The White House Office of Management and Budget wants the Navy to reduce the number of SSBN-X submarines it buys from 12 to 10 boats but also to boost the number of missile launching tubes from 16 to 20. On the face of it, this might save the Pentagon $7 billion over the 15-year…

Senior House Leaders Want ‘Doomsday’ Info from White House, DoD

Washington: The top defense and budget leaders in the House of Representatives want the director of the Office of Management and Budget and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to tell them more about the administration’s top-level defense review and clarification about just what will happen if the Super Congress can’t cut $1.2 trillion from the budget.…