Adversaries Outpace US In Cyber War; Acquisition Still Too Slow

Adversaries Outpace US In Cyber War; Acquisition Still Too Slow
Adversaries Outpace US In Cyber War; Acquisition Still Too Slow

COLORADO SPRINGS: The United States invented the Internet, but we may not rule it any more. “We are certainly behind right now. We are chasing our adversary, for sure,” one of the Air Force’s top cyber warriors, Col. Dean Hullings, told an audience of about 350 here at the National Space Symposium‘s one-day cyber event. Hullings,…

Sequestration Whacks National Space Symposium: NASA Drops Out, Some Air Force Cancel

WASHINGTON: For those who aren’t part of the insular space community, you need to know that the National Space Symposium is the most important conference on space issues in the world. Everyone goes: the intelligence community; the Air Force; Army; Navy; industry; allies; even senior Chinese officials show up fairly regularly these days. Some 9,000…