Joint Experiments Will Pick Budget Winners & Losers: Dunford

Joint Experiments Will Pick Budget Winners & Losers: Dunford
Joint Experiments Will Pick Budget Winners & Losers: Dunford

ARLINGTON: To cut $33 billion from the 2020 budget – as President Trump has ordered – and still compete against Russia and China, the Pentagon’s political and joint leadership must take a firmer hand with the four armed services, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said this afternoon. [Read how a Tea Party congressman turned…

Show Me The Money: What’s Missing From The National Defense Strategy

Show Me The Money: What’s Missing From The National Defense Strategy
Show Me The Money: What’s Missing From The National Defense Strategy

The Trump Administration’s 2018 National Defense Strategy was remarkable for its candor in identifying China and Russia as America’s chief “strategic competitors.” But unlike earlier, relatively anodyne strategy documents from the Obama Administration, the 2018 strategy didn’t specify the forces required, let alone how much they might cost — at least, not in the unclassified…

Disaster Averted – For Now: The Pentagon In 2018

Disaster Averted – For Now: The Pentagon In 2018
Disaster Averted – For Now: The Pentagon In 2018

The Trump Administration managed to avoid starting wars or crippling NATO in fiscal year 2018, writes CSIS scholar Kathleen Hicks in this op-ed, but as we stagger into 2019, the fates of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, his National Defense Strategy, and the Pentagon budget remain alarmingly uncertain. We continue our partnership with DC’s leading defense…

Air Force 386 Squadron Plan: Hallucination Or Negotiating Tactic

Air Force 386 Squadron Plan: Hallucination Or Negotiating Tactic
Air Force 386 Squadron Plan: Hallucination Or Negotiating Tactic

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson announced “the Air Force we need”, a significant expansion of the Air Force from 312 operational squadrons to 386. One thing is clear. It will be really expensive. The annual additional cost would be about $37 billion at a time when budget projections show no increase, and up to 94,000 additional personnel, active and reserve.

What Will New Bomber Squadrons Mean For Air Force? 75 More B-21s?

What Will New Bomber Squadrons Mean For Air Force? 75 More B-21s?
What Will New Bomber Squadrons Mean For Air Force? 75 More B-21s?

So reporters kept pressing Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Chief of Staff David Goldfein for answers to the reasonable question: How will the Air Force afford 74 more squadrons with all the people, planes, satellites, and infrastructure needed to make them useful?

Kyl Named To SASC; Missile Defense, Nuke Battles Likely On Capitol Hill

Kyl Named To SASC; Missile Defense, Nuke Battles Likely On Capitol Hill
Kyl Named To SASC; Missile Defense, Nuke Battles Likely On Capitol Hill

As Jon Kyl, the new senator who brings a long track record of spending on missile defense and nukes returns to the Hill, Democrats in the House might have other ideas.

US Needs Hi-Lo Mix Of ‘Exquisite’ & Affordable ISR: Intel Official

US Needs Hi-Lo Mix Of ‘Exquisite’ & Affordable ISR: Intel Official
US Needs Hi-Lo Mix Of ‘Exquisite’ & Affordable ISR: Intel Official

“Those will be debates we’ll have over the next couple of years, and those are some tough choices,” intelligence official Kevin Sherman told me. “Do we reduce some of those capabilities have been very helpful in the CT (counter-terrorism) fight, that a lot of our combatant commands have relied on, in order to buy more exquisite things?”

Pentagon Rolls Out Major Cyber, AI Strategies This Summer

Pentagon Rolls Out Major Cyber, AI Strategies This Summer
Pentagon Rolls Out Major Cyber, AI Strategies This Summer

“We’re getting ready to make a big announcement, coming out in weeks,” acting deputy CIO Thomas Michelli. “Watch this space. Stay tuned.”

Russia, China Are Outmaneuvering US: Generals Recommend New Authorities, Doctrine

Russia, China Are Outmaneuvering US: Generals Recommend New Authorities, Doctrine
Russia, China Are Outmaneuvering US: Generals Recommend New Authorities, Doctrine

  China and Russia are outmaneuvering the US, using aggressive actions that fall short of war, a group of generals and admirals have concluded. To counter them, the US needs new ways to use its military without shooting, concludes a newly released report on the Quantico conclave. The US military will need new legal authorities…

SASC Seeks Sweeping ‘Roles & Missions’ Report: Wither The Marines?

SASC Seeks Sweeping ‘Roles & Missions’ Report: Wither The Marines?
SASC Seeks Sweeping ‘Roles & Missions’ Report: Wither The Marines?

WASHINGTON: The Senate Armed Services Committee has proposed the most sweeping reevaluation of the military in 30 years, with tough questions for all four armed services but especially the Marine Corps. While its provisions cover topics ranging from swarming robots to “construction and maintenance of public works in Cis-Lunar Space,” its overwhelming focus is reorienting…

Marine Missile Strategy: Buy Some ASAP, Then Develop With Army

Marine Missile Strategy: Buy Some ASAP, Then Develop With Army
Marine Missile Strategy: Buy Some ASAP, Then Develop With Army

The Marines want new missiles for multiple missions: attacking enemy aircraft, ships at sea, and ground targets. But getting them on a tight budget will require working closely with the Army and Navy.

SASC Doubles Down On R&D Budget, Pushing New Tech The Pentagon Missed

SASC Doubles Down On R&D Budget, Pushing New Tech The Pentagon Missed
SASC Doubles Down On R&D Budget, Pushing New Tech The Pentagon Missed

The White House and Pentagon have been talking up the return of Great Power Competition with the rise of China and Russia, but the Senate Armed Services Committee is frustrated that the 2019 defense budget doesn’t put money where the rhetoric is.

Raytheon Targets Army Multi-Domain Systems Like DeepStrike

Raytheon Targets Army Multi-Domain Systems Like DeepStrike
Raytheon Targets Army Multi-Domain Systems Like DeepStrike

As the new National Defense Strategy shifts the U.S. armed forces’ focus from combating violent extremists to confronting China and Russia, Raytheon is offering an array of multi-domain capabilities to modernize the Army “not just for today but tomorrow,” Kim Ernzen, executive vice president of the company’s Land Warfare Systems, says. Raytheon is particularly well…

Build Missile Defense Space Sensors Now

Build Missile Defense Space Sensors Now
Build Missile Defense Space Sensors Now

Faced with an improving Russian threat, the United States should deploy a serious space sensor layer to provide persistent birth-to-death tracking of missiles, including against the kind that rip through the air at low altitudes 20 times the speed of sound (hypersonics).