NSA’s Cybersecurity Directorate Is ‘Back to the Future’

NSA’s Cybersecurity Directorate Is ‘Back to the Future’
NSA’s Cybersecurity Directorate Is ‘Back to the Future’

The elevation of the cybersecurity mission to “its own Directorate raises its stature in NSA to a prominence that is absolutely needed,” says one former NSA official.

How To Wage Global Cyber War: Nakasone, Norton, & Deasy

How To Wage Global Cyber War: Nakasone, Norton, & Deasy
How To Wage Global Cyber War: Nakasone, Norton, & Deasy

The military needs a globe-spanning network to counter threats that no single theater command can cope with. That takes more than just technology.

A ‘Solarium’ For Hacking: Sen. King  Launches Cyber Strategy Panel

A ‘Solarium’ For Hacking: Sen. King  Launches Cyber Strategy Panel
A ‘Solarium’ For Hacking: Sen. King Launches Cyber Strategy Panel

With members from Congress, the executive branch, and the private sector, the commission plans to issue a final report by year’s end.

Fix It Before It Breaks: SOCOM, JAIC Pioneer Predictive Maintenance AI

Fix It Before It Breaks: SOCOM, JAIC Pioneer Predictive Maintenance AI
Fix It Before It Breaks: SOCOM, JAIC Pioneer Predictive Maintenance AI

“He said you’ve got tremendous people, you prototype pretty effectively, and you’re absolutely terrible — he had some more colorful words than that — for machine learning,” Gen. Thomas said. “It gave me a spark … and turned me into a zealot.”

Huge Intel Leadership Shifts: New Directors For NRO, NGA

Huge Intel Leadership Shifts: New Directors For NRO, NGA
Huge Intel Leadership Shifts: New Directors For NRO, NGA

NGA HQ: The low grinding noise you could barely hear yesterday was the sound of the tectonic plates of American intelligence shifting as the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Agency got new directors. The nugget of news is that Vice Adm. Bob Sharp replaces Robert Cardillo as NGA director and President Trump…

Hill Must Act Now To Protect Elections From Russians: Cyber Commander

Hill Must Act Now To Protect Elections From Russians: Cyber Commander
Hill Must Act Now To Protect Elections From Russians: Cyber Commander

If you want the military to defend this fall’s elections from Russian hackers, military cyber commanders told Congress this afternoon, you need to give it authorities, access and resources soon, military commanders told the Senate today.

Do Young Humans + Artificial Intelligence = Cybersecurity?

Do Young Humans + Artificial Intelligence = Cybersecurity?
Do Young Humans + Artificial Intelligence = Cybersecurity?

WASHINGTON: The Army is recruiting smart young soldiers to wage cyber war. But human talent is not enough. Ultimately, say experts, cyberspace is so vast, so complex, so constantly changing that only artificial intelligence can keep up. America can’t prevail in cyberspace through superior numbers. We could never match China hacker for hacker. So our…

US Army Races To Build New Cyber Corps

US Army Races To Build New Cyber Corps
US Army Races To Build New Cyber Corps

WASHINGTON: The US Army is rushing to stand up cyber forces but its progress shows both how far we’ve come, and how far we have to go. “From an initial start of six officers in 2014… today we have 397 officers, 141 warrant officers, and 560 non-commissioned officers and soldiers” in the Army’s recently created cyber…

Army Wargames Hone Battlefield Cyber Teams

Army Wargames Hone Battlefield Cyber Teams
Army Wargames Hone Battlefield Cyber Teams

ARLINGTON: The Army is reinforcing its combat brigades with cyber soldiers. In 18 months of wargames with a wide range of units — tanks, Strykers, infantry, Airborne, Rangers — Army Cyber Command troops have brought hacking and jamming to bear on the (simulated) battlefield alongside guns and bombs. The exercises have already revealed cybersecurity shortfalls…

CYBERCOM Writes Own Software: Accelerating Acquisition

CYBERCOM Writes Own Software: Accelerating Acquisition
CYBERCOM Writes Own Software: Accelerating Acquisition

WASHINGTON: A Pentagon procurement process that takes a decade to deliver can’t keep up with fast-advancing frontline of cyberwar. US Cyber Command needs more agile ways to get technology, top officials said today. For now, its nascent Cyber National Mission Force is actually building some key tools in-house. “For us at the cutting edge,” said…