Uncle Sam Wants YOU To Compete For Army Network Upgrade: CS 21

Uncle Sam Wants YOU To Compete For Army Network Upgrade: CS 21
Uncle Sam Wants YOU To Compete For Army Network Upgrade: CS 21

Gone are the days of a stately, deliberate, laborious acquisition process in which the Army would plan out the future in detail before going to industry. “We’d almost always guess wrong,” said Maj. Gen. David Bassett. “Eventually we’d deliver yesterday’s technology tomorrow.”

Wearing The Network To War

Wearing The Network To War
Wearing The Network To War

Army foot soldiers are going into battle with more and more electronics, wirelessly networked both to each other and to distant command posts. So can GI Joe be hacked?

Army Explores Robot Decoys & Cannon-Fired Jamming Pods

Army Explores Robot Decoys & Cannon-Fired Jamming Pods
Army Explores Robot Decoys & Cannon-Fired Jamming Pods

Sun Tzu said all warfare is based on deception. Today, that means electronic deception.

Army To Build New Info War Force – Fast

Army To Build New Info War Force – Fast
Army To Build New Info War Force – Fast

The Army is already struggling to man its new cyber units — and now it wants to expand their ranks and responsibilities for a new mission.

Soft Robotics: The Road To Iron Man

Soft Robotics: The Road To Iron Man
Soft Robotics: The Road To Iron Man

Iron Man-style powered armor has proven impractical. New flexible, wearable electronics offer an alternative path to help the infantry.

Download, Disconnect, Fire! Why Grunts Need JEDI Cloud

Download, Disconnect, Fire! Why Grunts Need JEDI Cloud
Download, Disconnect, Fire! Why Grunts Need JEDI Cloud

Future soldiers will need to download huge amounts of intelligence data — then disconnect and go dark, like a submarine diving underwater to hunt its prey.

Digital Arsenal: Army Inches Forward On Electronic Warfare

Digital Arsenal: Army Inches Forward On Electronic Warfare
Digital Arsenal: Army Inches Forward On Electronic Warfare

To counter Russia’s electronic warfare battalions, the Army wants to field a revolutionary EW weapon by 2023. But how do they get there?

Digital Stiletto: Army Pursues Precision Electronic Warfare

Digital Stiletto: Army Pursues Precision Electronic Warfare
Digital Stiletto: Army Pursues Precision Electronic Warfare

The US Army can’t match Russia’s battalions of powerful radio jammers. Instead, it wants to build a nimble high-tech David to defeat the EW Goliath.

Army Seeks AI, Robotics For Grunts

Army Seeks AI, Robotics For Grunts
Army Seeks AI, Robotics For Grunts

Innovators! You have until Aug. 23 to submit white papers on how to make the future infantry squad “10 times more effective.”

New Army Laser Could Kill Cruise Missiles

New Army Laser Could Kill Cruise Missiles
New Army Laser Could Kill Cruise Missiles

Instead of building a 100-kilowatt weapon, the Army now plans to leap straight to 250 or even 300 kW — which could shoot down much tougher targets.

Talisman Sabre: Land-Based Missiles Vs. China

Talisman Sabre: Land-Based Missiles Vs. China
Talisman Sabre: Land-Based Missiles Vs. China

The Army’s experimental Multi-Domain Task Force tested new tactics for Pacific conflict, hand-in-glove with the Marines, Air Force, and Australians.

Army Readies Long-Range Missile Tests — Post INF

Army Readies Long-Range Missile Tests — Post INF
Army Readies Long-Range Missile Tests — Post INF

Pentagon brass universally support the US developing a new generation of conventional intermediate long-range missiles, and the Army is rushing to meet the challenge as the INF Treaty approaches its likely Aug. 2 demise.

Sikorsky Be Nimble: S-97 Raider Shows Off For Army FARA

Sikorsky Be Nimble: S-97 Raider Shows Off For Army FARA
Sikorsky Be Nimble: S-97 Raider Shows Off For Army FARA

Flying sideways, backwards, in pirouettes, and in a markedly quiet stealth mode, the hybrid helicopter-turboprop demonstrated the maneuverability the Army considers essential to survive high-tech future battles with Russia or China.

Sikorsky: S-97 Raider Is Safe At Any Speed

Sikorsky: S-97 Raider Is Safe At Any Speed
Sikorsky: S-97 Raider Is Safe At Any Speed

The company is confident that there is no inherent flaw in the design. Instead, they say, there was a software error that would have hamstrung any aircraft — and that error won’t happen again.