COVID-19: Army IVAS Goggles Now Take Temperatures

COVID-19: Army IVAS Goggles Now Take Temperatures
COVID-19: Army IVAS Goggles Now Take Temperatures

The militarized Microsoft HoloLens headset was designed to spot targets day and night on future battlefields. Then engineers tweaked its infrared sensors to detect fevers.

Wearing The Network To War

Wearing The Network To War
Wearing The Network To War

Army foot soldiers are going into battle with more and more electronics, wirelessly networked both to each other and to distant command posts. So can GI Joe be hacked?

Army To Test ATLAS Robotic Gun: Bruce Jette

Army To Test ATLAS Robotic Gun: Bruce Jette
Army To Test ATLAS Robotic Gun: Bruce Jette

The experimental turret will use the technology — and the safeguards — from the Army’s ATLAS project, originally misrepresented in the media as building “killer robots.”

ATLAS: Killer Robot? No. Virtual Crewman? Yes.

ATLAS: Killer Robot? No. Virtual Crewman? Yes.
ATLAS: Killer Robot? No. Virtual Crewman? Yes.

Alarming headlines to the contrary, the US Army isn’t building robotic “killing machines.” What they really want artificial intelligence to do in combat is much more interesting.