Trump’s Tariffs May Put Defense Jobs at Risk, Increase Costs

Trump’s Tariffs May Put Defense Jobs at Risk, Increase Costs
Trump’s Tariffs May Put Defense Jobs at Risk, Increase Costs

WASHINGTON: The pushback to President Donald Trump’s global steel and aluminum tariffs — announced Thursday —  has been swift and blunt. Republicans, Democrats, top defense officials, Trump advisors and trade groups have all made public their misgivings, saying the taxes could actually prove harmful to national security, and end up costing the Pentagon money. But…

AIA’s Melcher Hopes Hill Has ‘Moral Courage’ To Fund DoD & Rest Of Budget

AIA’s Melcher Hopes Hill Has ‘Moral Courage’ To Fund DoD & Rest Of Budget
AIA’s Melcher Hopes Hill Has ‘Moral Courage’ To Fund DoD & Rest Of Budget

WASHINGTON: The federal government needs to spend more money on civilian agencies like the State Department, NASA, and the FAA, not just defense, the aerospace industry’s top lobbyist said today, but there’s no reasoning with a portion of Congress that wants cuts at any cost. “There’s a part of Congress that’s suspicious of everything,” said…

Industrial Base Too ‘Brittle’ For Big War: Dunford

Industrial Base Too ‘Brittle’ For Big War: Dunford
Industrial Base Too ‘Brittle’ For Big War: Dunford

CAPITOL HILL: Is the arsenal of democracy out of business? Probably not, but America’s “increasingly brittle industrial base” may not be able to sustain our forces in a protracted war, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Joseph Dunford, warned the Senate in a written statement this morning. It’s a problem a lot of people…

Mark Esper, Washington Insider, Will Be Quiet Army Secretary

Mark Esper, Washington Insider, Will Be Quiet Army Secretary
Mark Esper, Washington Insider, Will Be Quiet Army Secretary

WASHINGTON: Third time’s (hopefully) the charm for the Trump Administration when it comes to candidates for Army Secretary. After the withdrawals of Vincent Viola, a billionaire with no government experience, and Mark Green, a Tennessee politician with a controversial track record, Trump has picked an experienced Washington insider, Mark Esper. Esper probably is unlikely to…

For AIA, ‘America First’ Means First In Capabilities & Sales

For AIA, ‘America First’ Means First In Capabilities & Sales
For AIA, ‘America First’ Means First In Capabilities & Sales

PARIS AIR SHOW: As much as I tried to give David Melcher slack to say the powerful Aerospace Industries Association he leads was finding it more difficult to do business under the chaotic and oft-bewildering Trump administration, he kept saying things were pretty well in hand. “The first year of an administration is certainly more…

DoD Nominations Logjam About To Break: Mattis Aide (EXCLUSIVE)

DoD Nominations Logjam About To Break: Mattis Aide (EXCLUSIVE)
DoD Nominations Logjam About To Break: Mattis Aide (EXCLUSIVE)

PENTAGON: There are a lot of empty offices around the E-ring, the most prestigious sector of the Pentagon, where top defense officials enjoy the rare privilege of windows. But that’s about to change, a senior aide to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told me. “There’s a bow wave of names that are very close to being…

New AIA Prez Melcher Sets Big 2016 Goals: Bucks, Bombers & Beyond

New AIA Prez Melcher Sets Big 2016 Goals: Bucks, Bombers & Beyond
New AIA Prez Melcher Sets Big 2016 Goals: Bucks, Bombers & Beyond

WASHINGTON: “I’m optimistic,” said the new president of the powerful Aerospace Industries Association, David Melcher, looking ahead to 2016. That statement in itself is a departure from the often dire warnings of his predecessor, long-time AIA president (and former Breaking Defense contributor) Marion Blakey. “Who would have thought four months ago that Ex-Im bank would be reauthorized?”…

Whoa, Lockheed & Co.! Kendall Urges Congress To Protect Innovation

Whoa, Lockheed & Co.! Kendall Urges Congress To Protect Innovation
Whoa, Lockheed & Co.! Kendall Urges Congress To Protect Innovation

WASHINGTON: The Defense Department has told its big industry partners for most of the last 15 years that there’s no need for consolidation at the top. Lockheed Martin, Boeing, BAE Systems, Raytheon, General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman are big enough, they said. Mergers of prime contractors would limit competition, Ash Carter, Frank Kendall and other…

Lockheed Shares F-35 Price Data With CAPE; Worth Emulating, Says Morin

Lockheed Shares F-35 Price Data With CAPE; Worth Emulating, Says Morin
Lockheed Shares F-35 Price Data With CAPE; Worth Emulating, Says Morin

WASHINGTON: Jamie Morin, head of the Pentagon’s quiet but powerful Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (CAPE) office, offered an understated and emphatic explanation today of why Congress’s inability to do its basic work and pass spending bills poses dramatic challenges to the US military. Morin and his colleagues at CAPE rarely appear in public and even more rarely…

Whither Aerospace Industries Association?

Whither Aerospace Industries Association?
Whither Aerospace Industries Association?

WASHINGTON: The Aerospace Industries Association is routinely ranked among the top influence shops in this town. Its leader plays an important role in ensuring AIA speaks and acts with a clear and guided voice. The association’s leader for the last seven years, former FAA administrator, Marion Blakey, is leaving and the association’s large companies, who dominate…

Blakey Warns Hill: Voters Demand Strong Defense

Blakey Warns Hill: Voters Demand Strong Defense
Blakey Warns Hill: Voters Demand Strong Defense

WASHINGTON: Marion Blakey stepped up her three-year campaign against sequestration by challenging Congress more directly than ever in her annual address. Last year, the head of the Aerospace Industries Association called on legislators to “step up.” This year, she suggested that if they don’t, “fed up” voters may force them to step down. “Look at the…

US Bounces Back At Farnborough After Paris No-Shows

US Bounces Back At Farnborough After Paris No-Shows
US Bounces Back At Farnborough After Paris No-Shows

Marion C. Blakey, a member of the Breaking Defense Board of Contributors, is president and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association. The U.S. aerospace and defense industry will be out in full force at this year’s Farnborough International Air Show (July 14-20), demonstrating the aircraft and equipment that is helping our nation and our allies…

Congress Better ‘Step Up’ On Sequestration: AIA Chief Marion Blakey

Congress Better ‘Step Up’ On Sequestration: AIA Chief Marion Blakey
Congress Better ‘Step Up’ On Sequestration: AIA Chief Marion Blakey

Just hours before the Senate is set to vote on the last-ditch budget deal, the head of the powerful Aerospace Industries Association complimented Congress for coming to its senses – but, said Marion Blakey, this had better be just the beginning. “I personally do not believe the American public likes to have the wool pulled…

Fix Arms Export Laws For Commercial Satellite Sales: AIA

It is long past time for Congress to reform the current laws governing the export of commercial satellites – an outmoded and counterproductive system intended to enhance national security while inadvertently undermining America’s domestic space industry, a recent Defense Department report makes clear. Whatever Congress’s good intentions when it passed this law in 1998, the…